Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hello everyone,
I'm feeling better, thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. I am not working today. Abigail is sick with vomiting and diarrhea. This is twice in the last three months. Germs, germs, germs. I try not to get so paranoid about stuff like that and I try really hard to be considerate of others and stay home when the kids are sick (no matter how much I miss going places), but it seems like this year, all the cruddy stuff just keeps going around and around and around and around without a break. Any of you moms know what I'm talking about or how I'm feeling?
We are going to visit Ft. White this weekend. The farm is cutting cows and the boys in my family are all excited about getting to participate in this activity. I think the girls are gonna stay at the camper and read or something. I can't imagine that cutting cows could be anything but gross, but what do I know. I guess they will have to get used to all this farm stuff eventually so we should go ahead and get them used to it.
I love all you guys. Can't wait to hear from you.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Yeah!!!! School's back in

Hey Everybody,

Hope everyone had a great Christmas season. I am so totally glad that school is back in session....We had a great time on our journey, but is nice to get back to the familiar routine as well. The kids started in a new school and the first day went pretty smoothly.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Hello eveyone,
Can you believe it? Wow. It is the year 2008. How many checks will I ruin by not putting the correct date on them? I can't even imagine.
We had a pretty low key New year's eve. We stayed home and sent the kids to be at 10:00 pm. We managed to stay awake long enough to kiss each other as the new year rang in. And then..............snoresville...>LOL. No fireworks for us this year. Just peace and quiet (except for the neighbors who were having fireworks). We just got back from a camping trip to Georgia and since he is off until the 8th, he is talking about going camping again this weekend. Difference.....the weather last week was nice, it is going to be freezing cold this one. Oh well, gotta go when you can. School resumes on the 7th and I for one will be glad to get back on routine and settle everything down.
Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and will have a blessed New Year as well.

Shelley's Tuneage

About Me

Wife of nearly 13 years. Mom of 3 active children. Working in a secretarial setting.