Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What to do?

As most of you know I was involved in a car accident on the 9th in which I hit a dog. FHP came out and made a report. And I just thought that my insurance would take care of everything.
Well, my insurance people called and wanted a statement from me in reference to the accident. The only thing FHP gave me was a one page report and it didnt' have a whole lot of information on it. (Apparently, the trooper has a few days to turn in his official report). Well, the adjuster came out and took a look and sent us a check for an amount to a body shop. All this is cool.
My husband said I should call the owner of the dog and ask if they would file on their homeowners policy for the deductible. (We know who owns the dog). I cannot remember them giving their address information to the trooper, but apparently they did it sometime while I was in the car.
Anyway, I called her and asked her to talk over with her husband and for them to think about filing their homeowners insurance for the deductible. I told her to just call me back when they had thought about it. I was really nice and quite frankly, I did not want to alienate her. I love her and her son.
The problem.....today, I got a carbon copy of a letter that my insurance company sent to her asking her to call them as soon as possible in reference to this accident. I did not give the adjuster her address. I didn't even know her address other than it was on Bardin Road. I didn't know her phone number either. I had to look it up.
Now, it's going to look like I sicced our insurance company on them. When in reality, I did not.

I hate confrontation and conflict. My husband says not to worry about it because Florida does have leash laws and that they should be held responsible for the damage to my car because the dog was in the roadway. But I still am uneasy about all this stuff. Anyone with similar experiences?

Other unrelated information, we go on the 20th to view and close on our house. If all is as it should be, they will be delivering the parts and pieces to the land on Thursday and Friday this week. Then it should be 90 days until completion. I can hardly believe that this has all gone so quickly. We are over there almosst every weekend now and I miss all my friends. I guess this is just God's way of getting us prepared to leave for good in June.

I miss you guys, love to hear from you.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Cold and flue season

Hello everyone,

Just now getting to update my blog. Not much to say except we miss you guys. I am getting better from my bout with bronchitis. Still hacking and coughing but no fever anymore. Carl has double ear infections and they are gross. Chris is getting sick and I guess it's just a matter of time till Abby gets it again. Oh well, kids love to share, don't they?
We are spending almost every weekend in Ft. White now. And we will be there again this weekend. We are clearing and burning piles. It won't be long now before they deliver the parts of the house to the site and then it will be about 90 days till it is ready to pass inspection for us to move in.
It's hard to believe that it is February already, just a little less than 10 months and it will be Christmas again. Wow!!!!
Well, we love you all.
P.S. How is Mr. J im doing?

Shelley's Tuneage

About Me

Wife of nearly 13 years. Mom of 3 active children. Working in a secretarial setting.